Friday, September 30, 2011

"Pakistani Politicians Reject Mullen’s Charges" Visual Rhetoric

This photograph displays Pakistani politicians burning the American flag to symbolize their rejection to our aid. In the picture there are men of all ages. Most tend to be older adults, but to the left there is a boy with a senior. They are the only ones smiling in the picture, celebrating. The others appear to be more concentrated and almost angry.  They are all dressed in fine clothing suggesting they are educated and have money. The senior may represent traditional beliefs while the child represents the new generation, assimilating those traditional values into theirs rather than forming their own. Someone is also holding up a different flag in the background. This isn't the Pakistani flag or any other world one, therefore the Pakistani politicians must've made it to represent their ideas. The flag portrays their pride in their own beliefs. The main focus of the picture is the two men burning the American flag. This implies that they reject American culture and western modernization. There is already one flag on the ground, so they must've been burning them repeatedly to get their message across.

1 comment:

  1. Iza:
    1st, why is this posted at 4:14 am?
    2nd, where are your posts for marking period #2? Did you do these?

    Mr. Heller
